ModernBusiness - March 06 Joomla Template

主题名称: ModernBusiness
主题类型: RocketTheme商业主题
适用程序: Joomla 1.0.x & Mambo 4.5.3
ModernBusiness is a fantastic new Joomla template and is the new March 2006 RocketTheme Template Club design. This is an innovative template that includes great features and unsurpassed customizability right out of the box. Some of these innovative features include:
- Javascript-based dynamic header with cross-blend effect. The first time ever incorporated into a Joomla template. It allows a transparent logo to be ‘floated’ on top, and also the ability to resize the header, features that are just not possible with flash-based solutions.
- RocketTheme’s custom RTSplitMenu system to provide the best navigation experience possible.
- Focus-Slide interactive effect on the horizontal main menu for a stunning usability experience.
- Fully collapsable Left, Right and User module positions for the most flexible layout needs.
- Highly configurable via a separate configuration file providing Width, Color-Scheme, Left/Right Orientation, Menu Control, Header Configuration
ModernBusiness has the ability to easily configure the following attributes:
* Choose width from thin, wide, and variable-max
* Choose color scheme (3 bundled with template)
* Choose left or right primary orientation
* Turn off included RTSplitMenu and use 3rd-party menu
* Ability to turn off included header transition code
* Ability to turn configure number of header images and the transition period between images
An overview of the key features of this template are as follows:
* Joomla 1.0+ compatible
* Mambo 4.5.2+ compatible
* 3 built-in color variants (Orange, Green, Red)
* 2 position variants (left, right)
* Exclusive multi-level capable RTSplitMenu system
* 9 Module positions!
* All module positions fully collapsable
* XHTML 1.0 Transitional
* CSS Validates
* Works with Mamblefish!
* Very Lightweight and fast loading
* Mozilla/Firefox/IE/Safari/Camino/Opera Friendly
Some screenshots showing these capabilities can be seen below:

RTSplitMenu Information
The split menu system uses the mainmenu by default and this menu is configured in the admin administator. For this to function correctly understand that the ‘top level’ menu items will show up as the horizontal buttons across the top of the template. For sub menu items, assign Parent Item to these top menus to the top-level item. These will then show up on in a submenu in the side navigation when you click on a top-level item. For an example of this check out the demo server
1. Install as normal using the Site Templates Installer
2. The primary navigation for this template is intended to be the mainmenu powered by the exclusive RTSplitMenu System. You will need to keep the number of top-level menu items to 9 or 10 to ensure the menu does not wrap and cause undesirable effects. Refer to the RTSplitMenu instructions above to find out how to create the menu properly.
3. Follow the Module Position guid below to see the available module positions and place your modules accordingly. The sample content Joomla/Mambo modules should give you a good place to start
4. This template can either be used with a left or right layout structure. If you choose right, then the modules on the right should be put into the right module position.
The configuration is controlled by a file called Just modify this file to reflect the configuration you want to implement. If you have trouble modifying this file once you’ve installed the template, try using JoomlaXplorer

**** This code below allows you to change ****
**** Some template configuration options ****
$template_width = "wide"; // thin|wide|vmax
$template_color = "orange"; // orange|green|red
$template_orientation = "left"; // left|right
$header_rotate = True; // True|False
$header_image_count = 3; // number of images
$header_rotate_time = 10; // time in seconds to rotate header
$menu_type = "splitmenu"; //splitmenu|module
$menu_name = "mainmenu"; //menuname to use in the splitmenu


