Outland - July 07 Joomla Templates

主题名称: Outland
主题类型: RocketTheme商业主题
适用程序: Joomla 1.0.x & Mambo 4.5.3
Outland Theme for SMF
A beautifully detailed and colorful SMF theme designed to blend perfectly with the Outland Joomla template. Take advantage of the customizability and power of Simple Machines Forums for your guild site while providing plenty of eye candy and World of Warcraft goodness.

Outland Theme for Fireboard
Fireboard is the popular new forum component that provides excellent integration with Joomla without the need for bridges and is the perfect solution for guild sites that don't need the complexity of SMF. We've created an elegant Fireboard theme designed specifically for the Outland template. Compatible with Fireboard version 1.0.0

