Share ebook Genes and Insurance: Ethical, Legal and Economic Issues (repost)

 Share ebook Genes and Insurance: Ethical, Legal and Economic Issues (repost)

Genes and Insurance: Ethical, Legal and Economic Issues

Cambridge University Press | November 17, 2003 | ISBN-10: 0521830907 | 180 pages | PDF | 1.6 Mb

The authors of this study emphasize the effectiveness of collectively funded public insurances as opposed to genetic information regulation within the private insurance sector. Genetics has provided tools to determine individuals risk of future disease, which is of key interest for insurance companies in determining insurance premiums; but persons with high enough risk may remain uninsured. For this reason, genetic information has been regulated. But, regulation may not be the solution, according to the authors, and they call for the resumption of social insurance, a key element of the welfare state.


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