Ebook Maxims of Chess download free

 Ebook Maxims of Chess download free

Maxims of Chess By John W. Collins

Publisher: Da..vid Mc..Kay 1978 | 276 Pages | ISBN: 0679130667 | PDF | 3 MB

Collins took more than 100 chess maxims from his teaching, chess history, chess masters and writers and categorized such that they can be used as a checklist during a game. They illustrated how to use each piece (King, Queen, Rook, Bishop, Knight and Pawn) where and where most efficiently. Each stage of chess game (Opening, Middle game and Endgame) has its own set of maxims. There is a chapter about Exchange. And there are four more chapters about the topics that sometimes I feel I understand what they are and many times I just cant tell what they really are. Those topics are: Tactical Play, Positional Play, Combinations and Strategy. Each maxim in the book has a master game or endgame study to go with it for clarification. The final chapter is about a philosophy of chess, which has no games. The author had a wishful thinking that Fischer would come back and dominate chess again. The book was written in 1978. Fifteen years later, there comes another similar book, The Tao of Chess. Comparing Tao to Maxims, the former is about fifteen percent as good as the latter. Maxims passes the test of time and is good enough for beginning to immediate level.

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