Share ebook Fifth ERCIM Workshop on eMobility by ed. Marc Brogle, Xavier Masip Bruin, Torsten Braun, Geert Heijenk free online

 Share ebook Fifth ERCIM Workshop on eMobility by ed. Marc Brogle, Xavier Masip Bruin, Torsten Braun, Geert Heijenk free online

Fifth ERCIM Workshop on eMobility by ed. Marc Brogle, Xavier Masip Bruin, Torsten Braun, Geert Heijenk
ERCIM Working Group eMobility. European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics

ERCIM, WWIC; Technical University of Catalonia | June 2011 | ISBN: 9788492014033 | 65 pages | PDF | 4 MB

This volume contains scientific articles and discuss several topics of the ERCIM eMobility working group including, mobility support in publish/subscribe networks, automated merging in cooperative adaptive cruise control systems, content replication strategies for smart products, inquiry-based bluetooth parameters for indoor localization, efficiency analysis for multicast traffic distribution in PMIPv6 domains.

The fifth edition of eMobility workshop was hosted by the Advanced Network Architectures Lab (CRAAX) of the Technical University of Catalonia in Spain and took place on June 14, 2011

Table of Contents

I Invited Talk

Opportunistic Computation and its Performance

II Regular Papers

Inquiry-based Bluetooth Parameters for Indoor Localisation an experimental study

Automated Merging in a Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) System

Leveraging Process Models to Optimize Content Placement An Active Replication Strategy for Smart Products

On the efficiency of a dedicated LMA for multicast traffic distribution in PMIPv6 domains

A Selective Neighbor Caching Approach for Supporting Mobility in Publish/Subscribe Networks

Author Index

with TOC BookMarkLinks


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