Triz: the Right Solution at the Right Time: A Guide to Innovative Problem Solving online free

 Triz: the Right Solution at the Right Time: A Guide to Innovative Problem Solving online free

Triz: the Right Solution at the Right Time: A Guide to Innovative Problem Solving By Yuri Salamatov

Publisher: Insy.,.tec BV 1999 | 255 Pages | ISBN: 9080468010 | PDF | 1 MB

Life states new problems daily and hourly. Its aim is reaching you deadlock and pushing into corner. Therefore rapidly changing world requires from the person non-standard, flexible thinking. How to learn it?

Whether it is possible to create the system of simple, step by step becoming complicated trainings for the solution of real problems, for example, in technical invention and then effectively to use these methods for the solution of any other problems?

This book is about creativity: about the theory, principals, about ways of creation of new ideas and about problem solving.

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