Book Development of Non-teleost Fishes

 Book Development of Non teleost Fishes

Development of Non-teleost Fishes

Science Publishers | January 8, 2009 | ISBN-10: 1578085004 | 309 pages | PDF | 10.4 Mb

An up-to-date compilation of the development of non-teleost fishes has so far been unavailable. These fishes include the jawless fishes (hagfish and lampreys), the cartilaginous fishes (sharks, rays, skates and chimaeras), the forerunners of the teleostei: the cladistia (bichirs and reedfish), the chondrostei (sturgeon and paddlefish, the neopterygii (gar pike and bowfin), and, finally, the closest relations to the tetrapods: the lungfishes (the coelacanh [living fossil], Protopterus of Africa, Lepidosiren of South America and Neoceratodus of Australia). Therefore, the present volume has been devoted to closing the gap by an up-to-date scientific review of the early life-history of these non-teleost fishes (agnathi excepted).
