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Mathematical Sciences Role In Homeland Security
Proceedings Of A Workshop. National Research Council. Board on Mathematical Sciences and Their Applications

NAS Press | 2004 | ISBN: 0309531497 0309090350 9780309090353 | 576 pages | PDF | 3 MB

This issue represents independent research efforts from academia, the private sector, and government agencies, and as such they provide a sampling rather than a complete examination of the interface between the mathematical sciences and the complex challenge of homeland security.

The workshop drew over 100 researchers and focused on five major areas of research: data mining, detection and epidemiology of bioterrorist attacks, image analysis and voice recognition, communications and computer security, and data fusion.


Welcome and Overview of Sessions

Introduction by Session Chair

The Role of Data Mining in Homeland Defense

Statistical Detection from Communications Streams

Data Mining: Potentials and Challenges

Donald McClure: Remarks on Data Mining, Unsupervised Learning, and Pattern Recognition

Werner Stuetzle: Remarks on Data Mining: Unsupervised Learning, and Pattern Recognition

Introduction by Session Chair

Ambulatory Anthrax Surveillance: An Implemented System, with Comments on Current Outstanding Needs

Mathematics of Epidemiological Simulations for Response Planning

Predicting the Unpredictable in an Age of Uncertainty

Simon Levin: Remarks on Detection and Epidemiology of Bioterrorist Attacks

Arthur Reingold: Remarks on Detection and Epidemiology of Bioterrorist Attacks

Introduction by Session Chair

Computational Vision

Mathematical Challenges for Real-Time Analysis of Imaging Data

Challenges in Speech Recognition

David McLaughlin: Remarks on Image Analysis and Voice Recognition

David Donoho: Remarks on Image Analysis and Voice Recognition

Opening Remarks and Discussion, April 27

Introduction by Session Chair

A Security Challenge: Return on Security Investment

Kevin McCurley: Session on Communications and Computer Security

Andrew Odlyzko: Remarks on Communications and Computer Security

Michael Freedman: Session on Communications and Computer Security

Alexander Levis Introduction by Session Chair

Reasoning About Rare Events

Knowledge Representation and Inference for Multisource Fusion

A Heirarchical Model for Estimating the Reliability of Complex Systems

Arthur Dempster: Remarks on Data Integration and Fusion

Alberto Grunbaum: Remarks on Data Integration and Fusion

Enlisting Math to Defend the Homeland By Stephen H. Wildstrom

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