Download Stretching Scientifically: A Guide to Flexibility Training

 Download Stretching Scientifically: A Guide to Flexibility Training

Stretching Scientifically: A Guide to Flexibility Training

English | 720576 | MPEG4 | 25fps 1489kbps | PCM 1024kbps | 588 MB
Genre: eLearning

Three items from Tom Kurz, athlete, instructor, coach, and graduate of the University School of Physical Education in Warsaw, Poland: a videotape Secrets of Stretching, and two books: Stretching Scientifically and Science of Sports Training. Tom presents a uniquely Eastern European look at this practical subject matter. The video chiefly focuses on the exercises and techniques necessary to achieve a dramatic full split position, while the books emphasize the technical aspect of stretching and sports training.

Use our method to attain maximum height in your kicks and to be able to kick at that height with no warm-up!


* How to stretch safely and quickly to achieve and maintain your maximum flexibility

* How to make your muscles grow stronger and longer so you stay flexible all the time

* How to do splits even if you are over 40 or 50

* How to kick high and do splits with no warm-up

* How to develop each of the three kinds of flexibilityadynamic, static active and static passiveato suit every athletes needs

* What exercises are a?no-nosa? if you want to stretch your muscles

* All the factors limiting flexibility

* Brilliantly simple tests of hip joint mobility and muscle length that dispel common misconceptions of what limits flexibility the most

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