Infidel Ayaan Hirsi Ali free downloads

 Infidel  Ayaan Hirsi Ali free downloads

Infidel Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Publisher: Free Press (April 1, 2008) | Language: English | ISBN-10: 0743289692 | EPUB/MOBI | 384 pages | 456KB/860KB

Ayaan Hirsi Ali captured the worlds attention with Infidel, her coming-of-age memoir, which spent thirty-one weeks on the New York Times bestseller list.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is one of todays most admired and controversial political figures. She burst into international headlines following the murder of Theo van Gogh by an Islamist who threatened she would be next; and she made headlines again when she was stripped of her citizenship and forced to resign from the Dutch Parliament.

Infidel shows the coming of age of this elegant, distinguishedand sometimes reviledpolitical superstar and champion of free speechthe development of her beliefs, iron will, and extraordinary determination to fight injustice done in the name of religion. Raised in a strict Muslim family, Hirsi Ali survived civil war, female circumcision, brutal beatings, an adolescence as a devout believer, the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood, and life in four countries under dictatorships. She escaped from a forced marriage and sought asylum in the Netherlands, where she fought for the rights of Muslim women and the reform of Islam, earning her the enmity of reactionary Islamists and craven politicians.

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